Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Node Label


What the node represents

[Model Name]

A full OpenSim model

  • Bodies

The set of rigid bodies in the model

  • [Body Name]

A single rigid body

  • [Wrap Object Name]

A single muscle wrap object

  • Display Geometry

The set of geometry files for a body

  • [Geometry Name]

A Display geometry (.vtp) Ayman, does this have to be a .vtp file?file with editable display propertiesa mesh file, or analytical geometry)


All forces in the model

  • Muscles

All Muscles

  • [Muscle Group Name]

A muscle group

  • [Muscle Name]

A single muscle

  • Actuators

All non-muscle actuators

  • TorqueActuator

A torque

  • CoordinateActuator

A Generalized force

  • Contact Forces

A force

  • Other Forces

A force


All joints in the model

  • [Joint Name]

A single joint

  • Dofs

All degrees of freedom for a joint

  • [Dof Name]

A function describing dof changes


A list of constraints associated with the model

  • [Constraint Name]

A specific constraint

Contact Geometry

A list of contact geometry associated with the model


A list of markers associated with the model

  • [Marker Name]

A specific marker


All motions associated with a model

  • [Motion Name]

A specific motion

ControllersAll controllers in the modle
ProbesAll Probes attached to the model
Other ComponentsAny other custom components that are a part of the model


  • Select objects by clicking the left mouse button once on the tree node
  • Select a region of contiguous nodes in the tree using shift+left mouse
  • Clicking the  ctrl-left mouse button (cmd-left mouse on Mac) on a node that has already been selected causes it to be deselected
  • Add objects to a group of selected objects by using ctrl+left mouse (cmd-left mouse on Mac)

In addition, clicking the left mouse button twice (double clicking) a node toggles the display of its corresponding objectplaces a triad on the object in the visualizer. This is useful when quickly navigating the model to investigate where different objects are in the 3D View window. In versions 3.1 and earlier, the display is toggled by turning on/off the visualization of the object. As of 3.2, the display is toggled by highlighting the object in yellowYou can use the triad to move the object in the visualizer.



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