Static Optimization is a method for estimating muscle activations and muscle forces that satisfy the positions, velocities, accelerations, and external forces (e.g., ground reaction forces) of a motion. The technique is called "static" since calculations are performed at each time frame, without integrating the equations of motion between time steps. Because there is no integration, Static Optimization can be very fast and efficient, but it does ignore activation dynamics and tendon compliance. (See Hicks et al., (2015) for more details regarding this and similar modeling and simulation choices and their pros and cons.)
- How do the Gastrocnemius muscle force change between the analysis using strong actuators (optimal force at 100) and the normal (optimal force at 1) actuators? What about the moment generated by the ankle actuators? If there are differences, explain why.
- Does How does the lumbar actuator reserve moment change between using the large vs. small optimal_force? Why might this be the case? (Hint: observe whether or not there are muscles that control the lumbar extension degree of freedom.)
- What is the peak Fx residual force? Why does the value stay the same between the strong and normal actuator case? (Hint: refer to the section earlier in the tutorial where we discuss why we need residual forces and moments. Are there other actuators in the model that could generate these forces?)