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  • The Scale Model section provides access to basic settings for specifying how a model is scaled.

  • If the Scale Model box in the upper left-hand corner is not checked, the model will not be scaled.

  • If the box is checked, the model will be scaled and a number of options become available.

  • When the box for Preserve mass distribution during scale is checked, the total mass of the generic model is scaled so that it equals the mass of the subject while preserving the relative masses of its body segments. So, for example, if in the generic model the mass of the thigh is twice that of the shank, the mass of the thigh in the scaled model will also be twice that of the scaled shank. If this check box is not checked, the segment masses are scaled based solely on the scale factors applied to each body segment, and the total mass of the model will not equal the experimentally-measured mass of the subject.


To use measurement-based scaling, a .trc file that contains suitable marker data must be specified. A static trial (i.e., a trial in which the subject is stationary in some known position) is typically used for this purpose. To specify a file containing marker data, check the box labeled Marker data for measurements. When this is done, you will be able to specify a file in the text box to the right. Click the  button to browse for a file. Once the marker data is loaded, information about the trial will be displayed in a box on the far right entitled Marker Data. The information includes the total number of markers in the .trc file (the marker data is arranged in columns of x, y, and z coordinates), number of frames, frame rate, and the time interval over which the data is available. The distances between marker pairs used to compute the scale factors for the segments is based on averaging the marker positions over a time interval. To specify the time interval, enter the starting and final times in the text boxes to the right of the label Average measurements between times. The starting time should always be less than or equal to the final time. If you are computing scale factors based on a dynamic trial (i.e., a trial in which the subject was moving), use a small time interval or specify the same starting and final time to pick out a single frame of data.


  1. Click the Use measurements radio button.

  2. Click in any of the three scale-factor fields to the right.

  3. Select a measurement for the scale factors that will be applied along the X, Y, and Z axes of the selected body.

  4. Clicking in any of these fields brings up a list of defined measurements (torso, pelvis, thigh, etc). If the Uniform check box is checked, equal signs appear between the scale-factor fields, and any entry made in one field will be set for the others

  5. Use the Edit Measurement Set button to inspect and edit the measurements.  

Using Manual Scale Factors


  • Definitions for the measurements used to scale the segments can be inspected and edited by clicking the Edit Measurement Set button . Doing so brings up another table that contains, in each row, the name of a measurement and the list of marker pairs that make up that measurement.

  • The distances between the experimental marker pairs, relative to the distances between the same markers on the model, are used to compute the scale factors (How Scaling Works). To edit which markers make up a pair, click on one of the markers. A list of available markers will pop up, and you can then select from the list.

  • Use the  buttons to delete measurements or marker pairs, and the  buttons to add new measurements or marker pairs. Click the  button in the lower right or the  button in the upper right-hand of the window when you are finished inspecting or editing the measurements. Any changes you made will be saved; the only way to undo any changes you made is to undo them manually. Once a measurement has been added to the set, it will appear among the choices you have for computing the scale factors.


Scale Static Pose Weights Panel
Scale Static Pose Weights Panel
Scale Static Pose Weights Panel


Code Block
scale -S subject01_Setup_Scale.xml 


Video Tutorials

Setting up the scale tool:

Widget Connectorurlhttp

Evaluating your results:

Widget Connectorurlhttp


Tips and Tricks for Data Collection, Scaling, and IK


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