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  • In the Input pane, select "Loaded motion" and use the "ik trial" motion from the previous step.
  • Check the box to filter the coordinates and set the cutoff frequency to 6 Hz.
  • Set the time range to between 0.5 and 1.5 seconds.
  • Specify an output directory (e.g., <YourWorkingDir>\Stance\ID).
  • Select the External Loads tab and check the External Loads box.
  • Edit the External Loads settings by clicking the pencil icon to the right of the textbox.
    • Select leg69_stance_grf.mot as the "Force data file". This file describes the force applied at the foot's center of pressure (CoP).
    • Select leg69_IK_stance.mot as the "Kinematics for external loads".
    • Select "Filter kinematics" and specify a cutoff frequency of 6 Hz.
    • Add the forces listed in the motion file by clicking the "Add..." button.
      • Provide a name (e.g., "Right_GRF").
      • Apply the force to the calcn_r body.
      • Check "Applies Force" and select "Point Force".
      • Force Columns: select "ground_force_vx" from the first drop-down box; "ground_force_vy" and "ground_force_vz" will be selected automatically.
      • Point Columns: select "ground_force_px" from the first drop-down box; the corresponding "y" and "z" entries will again be populated automatically.
      • The GRF free moment is a torque, so check "Applies Torque".
      • Torque Columns: select "ground_torque_x", "ground_torque_y", and "ground_torque_z".
      • The GRF and CoP are both expressed in the ground (laboratory) frame, so click OK.
      • Click "Save..." and enter a filename for the External Force input (e.g., leg69_right_GRF.xml).
      • Click "Save..." and enter a filename for the ID settings (e.g., leg69_Setup_ID_stance.xml).
  • Run the tool, then close the Inverse Dynamics Tool window.


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After each run of the RRA tool, a new model file will be loaded into the navigator (and also printed) where the COM of the pelvis has been automatically adjusted. In the Messages window, the RRA tool also provides a set of estimated changes to the mass and the COM for all of the segments which would further reduce the residuals needed to match the experimental kinematic and force data.


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  • Re-run RRA with the adjusted model making sure to close and re-open the RRA Tool to ensure the most recent adjusted model is always used.
  • Adjust the pelvis COM and mass in accordance with the RRA Tool output messages.
  • Plot your tracking errors from the RRA/leg6dof9musc_pErr.sto file.
  • Increase the tracking task weights for coordinates that show poor tracking in the leg69_Tracking_Tasks.xml file.
  • Decrease the tracking weight for coordinates that are within 1 degree (0.017 radians), since the optimizer can use these coordinates to reduce residuals.
  • Iterate until the requested change in pelvis mass is less than 1 kg and the residual forces and coordinate errors follow the suggested thresholds in the table at the bottom of the Getting Started with RRA page.


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  • One common way for CMC to fail is when the tool is unable to find a set of muscle forces that can accurately reproduce the joint dynamics. Consider reducing the tracking weights until your run successfully completes.  Make sure to re-run RRA and use the adjusted model output from the RRA Tool in CMC when you adjust the tasks.
  • Check the troubleshooting tips at the bottom of the Getting Started with CMC page.


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