- On the top toolbar, go to "Tools" → "Analyze...".
- Load the setup file "outputreporter_setup.xml".
- Explore the input files from CMC.
- In the Main Settings tab, the states from CMC output are used (i.e., "isbcmc_states.sto").
- In the "Actuators and External Loads tab"
- The same Actuators file from CMC is used ("reserve_actuators.xml").
- The same External Loads file from CMC is used ("jump_forces.xml").
- Explore the Output Reporter analysis.
- Go to the "Analyses" tab. The OutputReporter analysis has already been added.
- Click on the "OutputReporter" analysis and then click "Edit".
- Expand the "output_paths" list. The full paths to different outputs are added here.
- Check if the four full paths from the previous section are the same ones added here.
- If you'd like to add another output, click the "+" icon in the second column of the pane.
- Run the Output Reporter analysis by going back to the main Analysis window and clicking the "Run" button.