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Here is the tutorial that we will be going through during the workshop: Dynamic Walking Challenge: Go the Distance!. The page includes step-by-step instructions, links to the required OpenSim models, and many handy Matlab scripts. (Last Update: June 10, 12:00am PDT)

Preparation for the Workshop

  1. Install OpenSim: Download the release beta named OpenSim - 3.1 .0-win32-VC10P-DW.exe from the OpenSim downloads page at Participants should either bring a PC laptop with OpenSim installed, or be prepared to team up with other participants. Here are installation instructions.
  2. Setup Matlab: There is a particularly exciting part of the tutorial which requires that users have Matlab installed. We support both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Matlab, though the use of 64-bit Matlab requires that you follow some additional steps. See this page to configure Matlab to recognize OpenSim, and see this page to learn what you can do with OpenSim in Matlab.
  3. Download example materials: You can download the model files and example scripts for the workshop here . (Last Update: June 10, 12:00am PDT)
  4. Find the instructions: A step by step guide for the tutorial can be found on the page Dynamic Walking Challenge: Go the Distance!

We hope you will be able to set up your environment properly before you arrive, but we'll be glad to help you with these steps during the workshop.

Post Workshop Update

We are releasing two model files that have added two models to the starter zip file now posted on Simtk. These models can be used to complete the walking challenge. These files are:

  1. DW2013_WalkerModelTerrainAddMagnet.osim - This file uses ExpressionBasedPointToPointForces to create a magnet attractor between a point on the thigh and a point on the shank

  2. DW2013_WalkerModelTerrainAddCustomFeetWalkerModelTerrainAddFeet.osimosimĀ - This file adds ContactMesh geometry for a cylindrical foot with a large radius of curvature to be used in an elastic foundation model of contact.


If, during the workshop or afterwards, you develop any models or Matlab scripts that you'd like to share with other workshop participants, email them to Chris Dembia and we'll post them right here. Please include DWC2013in the subject line, and be sure to credit yourself inside the files you send.


Helpful Examples and Resources
