Team members
- Ed Chadwick, Restorative Medicine Group, Institute for Science and Technology in Medicine, Keele University, Staffordshire, UK.
- Dimitra Blana, Visiting Researcher, Restorative Medicine, ISTM, Keele, and Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio*.
(*Much of this work done in collaboration with the Kirsch lab at Case Western Reserve University and Ton van den Bogert of Cleveland State University.)
Big picture
Our overall aim is to develop tools for real-time musculoskeletal simulation to enable model-based design and testing of neuroprosthesis systems to restore function in the upper limb in spinal cord injury and other neuromuscular disorders. To facilitate adoption of these models, we want to integrate our real-time model with the OpenSim visualiser to provide real-time visual feedback on the state of the musculoskeletal system to clinicians and biomedical engineers.
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Related papers
- Bogert, A. J. Van Den, Blana, D., & Heinrich, D. (2011). Implicit methods for efficient musculoskeletal simulation and optimal control. Procedia IUTAM, 2, 297–316.
- Chadwick, E. K., Blana, D., Simeral, J. D., Lambrecht, J., Kim, S. P., Cornwell, A. S., Taylor, D. M., et al. (2011). Continuous neuronal ensemble control of simulated arm reaching by a human with tetraplegia. Journal of Neural Engineering, 8(3), 034003.
- Blana, D., Kirsch, R. F., & Chadwick, E. K. (2009). Combined feedforward and feedback control of a redundant, nonlinear, dynamic musculoskeletal system. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 47(5), 533–42.