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Scaling properties are enclosed in the <ModelScaler> tag. As described in __40__ How Scaling Works, a combination of measurement-based and manual scaling can be used. <scaling_order> specifies which of the two is used (using the keywords measurements and manualScale, respectively), or, if both are listed, the order in which they are applied.


The <preserve_mass_distribution> property specifies whether the scaled model's segment masses should be in the same proportion as they were in the generic model (see __40__ How Scaling Works).

Specifying output of scaling-only step (before marker placement)


The marker placement properties are enclosed within the <MarkerPlacer> tag. Note that it is valid to omit this section from the XML file if only scaling (and no marker placement) is desired.

As mentioned in __40__ How Scaling Works, a "static pose" needs to be defined and the model needs to be placed in a configuration matching that pose as best as possible. This reduces to an inverse kinematics (IK) problem, and so many of the properties used in the marker placement step are similar to the properties in IK. The reader should therefore refer to the IK chapter (__40__Inverse Kinematics) for additional details on some of these properties.


Only markers which are tagged as "not fixed" are moved to match the experimental markers. This is done within the file specified by <MarkerSet>. Each marker that is moveable should have its <fixed> property set to false. <fixed> is a property of <Marker> (see __40__ Scale Marker File). The remaining markers are untouched.



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