Using the OpenSim API
The Developer's Guide has examples using the API, including:
Performing a Simulation Simulation - Write a main C++ program (a "tug of war") to create a model and run a forward simulation
Creating Your Own Analysis Analysis - Write your own Analysis to output the center of mass of each body in a model, plus velocities and accelerations
Creating a Controller Controller - Extend the tug of war example with a custom controller
Creating an Optimization Optimization - Write an optimization to find muscle controls to maximize the forward velocity of the hand
Creating a Customized Actuator Actuator - Implement a spring with controllable stiffness
Creating a Customized Muscle Model Model - Implement a muscle model with fatigue
Building the API Examples
A summary of the steps to build the API examples is below. There are more details in the Developer's Guide. We will use the tug-of-war Example (Located in your OpenSimInstallationDirectory\sdk\APIExamples\ExampleMain folder) as an example.
- Prepare a working directory: Copy the example folder from the installation folder (by default, this is C:\OpenSim 3.0\sdk\APIExamples\ExampleMain) to a working folder. In this example, we will assume the working folder is C:\ExampleMain, but the name and path are arbitrary.
- Run CMake. Launch CMake. In the dialog box that appears:
- For the field "Where is the source code," select the working plug-in directory you just created (e.g., C:\ExampleMain).
- Select a directory for "Where to build the binaries." For this example, we will use the folder C:\TugOfWarBuild. (If the directory does not exist CMake will prompt you to ask if it should create the directory after you hit Configure)
- Hit Configure and you will see things highlighted in red. Make sure that the correct installation directory is specified for OPENSIM_INSTALL_DIR, and update it if needed. If you use any directory other than the default for installation, you will also need to update CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to have the same value as OPENSIM_INSTALL_DIR.
- Click Configure again, and the highlighted red should be cleared, and then Generate.
- You will see a solution file (.sln) generated in the build directory. Double click on it and it will launch Visual Studio.