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The Virtual Workshop will bring together a group of international scholars and OpenSim experts to help each other advance their research using modeling and simulation. The OpenSim team at Stanford University will provide guidance on your projects, while also facilitating discussion and support amongst your fellow Workshop participants. We hope that this event can accelerate your work while also building relationships with a network of researchers and engineers who are using OpenSim for research.

Below, we have provided a list of information and resources for the Workshop. Please visit check back regularly as , since we will add more links and information will be updated as we reach get closer to the workshop start date.  

Table of Contents

Week of April 18th

Receive and review written feedback from OpenSim team

Wednesday, April 20thStart editing your Project Goals Slide 
Thursday, April 21stSign up for conference call time slot

Friday, April 22nd 

 Finalize your Project Goals Slide

Monday, April 25th  


  • Tune in to workshop welcome webinar (10am PDT)
  • Review and Comment on Everyone’s Project Goals Slides
  • Workshop Forum opens
Tuesday, April 26thOffice Hours 1
Tuesday, May 3rdOffice Hours 2
Wednesday, May 4th Start editing Accomplishment
Thursday, May 5th  
Finalize Accomplishment
Slide (12pm PDT)

Friday, May 6th

  • Vote on Final Awards (voting closes 9am PDT)
  • Closing Webinar from Stanford team (10am PDT)
  • Workshop Ends
Monday, May 9thForum Closes to new questions.






Virtual office hours will be held on Tuesday, April 26th and May 3rd, 9:30-11am and 2-3pm (US PDT). Sign up for a conference call timeslot here. Please carefully read the instructions on the cover page of the booking sheet. IfyouquestionsorcncernsIf you have questions or concerns, please email James (


Welcome Webinar

The OpenSim team delivered a liveWelcome Webinar on Monday, April 25th at 10am (US PDT). The Webinar featured a short talk followed by questions from the audience about Workshop logistics. The Webinar recording is available in case you missed it. You can also download and review the Webinar slides.   

Closing Webinar

The live Closing Webinar will be held Friday, May 6th at 10am (US PDT)

Google slides

. The Webinar recording is available in case you missed it.

Google Slides (Project Goals and accomplishments)

The Workshop goal Goal slides can be found here. Please carefully The Goal slides are an Online Poster presentation where you get to show off your work, ask questions, and provide support to your Workshop colleagues. Carefully read and follow the instructions and examples presented on slide 1-3. The workshop slide (one per project, strict) is intended to help your fellow Workshop attendees understand your work, ask questions, and give feedback and support where possible. We’ll also give out prizes based on the discussion about the projects. You must complete your workshop goals slide by Monday, April 25th at 9am (US PDT), and drop in throughout the day to join the discussion.

The Workshop Accomplishment slides can be found here. 


(coming soon)

Participant list 

The Accomplishment slides are an Online Poster presentation to share your accomplishments and what you’ve learned. Carefully read and follow the instructions and examples presented on slide 1-5. Each group should have at most three slides, including a single goal slide. Please complete your slides by noon, Thursday, May 5th (PDT), when voting for project awards will start. 

Awards Voting 

Vote for your colleagues here! Voting can begin after noon today (PDT). The awards include Biggest Research Discovery, Technical Grand Prize, Coolest Demo or Video, and Best Blooper. Award winners will be invited to present their slides and talk about their workshop experience during the closing webinar.

Question and Answer Forum

The Q&A site is very similar to stack overflow. Follow the links to find simple guides for asking good questions and providing helpful answers. During the workshop, the OpenSim team will devote part of each day to answering questions, but we hope that participants will be active in answering each other's questions, as well. The workshop is about sharing experience and building community. Remember that it is better to ask a greater number of smaller, tractable questions than a single, large post with multiple questions. Try to be specific. Use tags liberally, upvote answers that you find very helpful, and contribute your experience. Be positive and have fun!

Participant List

First NameLast NameEmailTeamInstitution


Project Title
MoriaFisher Bittmannbittmann2@wisc.eduLatissimusUniversity of Wisconsin - MadisonPostdoctoral Research FellowSubject specific challenges to improving treatment for crouch gait
HosseinMokhtarzadehhmokhtar@bidmc.harvard.eduLatissimusHarvard Medical SchoolPostdoctoral Research FellowIncorporating Force-Dependent Kinematic Approach and Non-Linear Intervertebral Joint Stiffness in a Thoracolumbar Spine Musculoskeletal Model
JoelLanovazjoel.lanovaz@usask.caLatissimusUniversity of SaskatchewanAssociate ProfessorUpper limb muscle force estimation using CMC
IanStavnessian.stavness@usask.caLatissimusUniversity of SaskatchewanAssistant ProfessorUpper limb muscle force estimation using CMC
EricPitmaneap178@mail.usask.caLatissimusUniversity of SaskatchewanGraduate StudentUpper limb muscle force estimation using CMC
JulieEllisjulie.ellis@usask.caLatissimusUniversity of SaskatchewanGraduate StudentUpper limb muscle force estimation using CMC
AlexPriamikovpriamikov@fias.uni-frankfurt.deLatissimusFrankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies Graduate student OpenEyeSim – a biomechanical model for studying the development of oculomotor control
NiccoloFiorentinoniccolo.fiorentino@utah.eduSartoriusUniversity of UtahPostdoctoral Research FellowBiomechanics of FAI
DanielLopesdsl.7125@gmail.comSartoriusINESC ID LisboaPostdoctoral Research FellowSport Injuries in Rugby: Contact Parameters for Tackle Simulation of BathPostdoctoral Research FellowSport Injuries in Rugby: Contact Parameters for Tackle Simulation
NeilRathmrinal.neil.rath@gmail.comSartoriusUCLAGraduate studentTrunk Control and Postural Stability in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury.Noninvasive Enabling Strategies and Modeling
ElysePassmoreelyse.passmore@gmail.comSartoriusThe University of MelbourneGraduate studentThe effect of lower limb torsional deformities on gait in typically developing children and children with Cerebral Palsy UniversitySenior LecturerUnderstanding the musculoskeletal demands of rugby place kicking
ChristinaGarmanrossic@vt.eduPeroneusMarquette UniversityPostdoctoral Research FellowJoint Kinetic Strategies in Oncology Patients with Femoral Endoprostheses
JohnO''s University BelfastGraduate StudentImplant Placement Optimization during Total Hip Arthroplasty
BeckyFellinrebecca.e.fellin.civ@mail.milPeroneusU.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental MedicineResearch BiomechanistAssessing changes to bone and running style in first-time marathon runners
ElenaCarutherselena1caruthers@gmail.comPlantarisThe Ohio State UniversityGraduate StudentForward Dynamics Simulation of Stair Descent
PlantarisUniversity of BathAssociate ProfessorApplication of Synergy Optimization method to tasks involving neck motions of BathAssistant Professor in BiomechanicsApplication of Synergy Optimization method to tasks involving neck motions
DeryaKarabulutdrykrbltt@gmail.comPlantarisIstanbul UniversityMaster StudentDevelopment and Validation of a Computational Musculoskeletal Model of the Cat Hind Limb
BillThompsonwilliam.k.thompson@nasa.govPlantarisNASA Glenn Research CenterBiomechanical Lead EngineerDigital Astronaut Project
ChristopherGalloChristopher.A.Gallo@nasa.govPlantarisNASA Glenn Research CenterMechanical EngineerBiomechanical Modeling of Resistance Exercises on the Hybrid Ultimate Lifting Kit (HULK) Spaceflight Countermeasure Device
AaronGodfreygodfreya@zin-tech.comPlantarisZIN Technologies, Inc. & NASA Glenn Research CenterPhysicistMPCV Exercise Volume Analysis
KathleenJagodnikkathleen.jagodnik@nasa.govPlantarisNASA Glenn Research Center and Baylor College of MedicinePostdoctoral Research FellowDigital Astronaut Project of SheffieldPostdoctoral Research FellowAn OpenSim framework to estimate human kinematics using Inertial Measurement Units
LucaTagliapietratagliapietra@gest.unipd.itTibialisUniversity of PaduaGraduate StudentAn OpenSim framework to estimate human kinematics using Inertial Measurement Units of SalfordGraduate StudentAn Appropriately Complex Biomechanical Model of Running
FarrisFarisGulamalimyvisn20@gmail.comTibialisInterlake High School StudentStudentOptimizing Ankle-Foot Orthosis Stiffness on Gait Biomechanics and Rehabilitation in a Post-Stroke Individual with Foot Drop through Computed Muscle Control Models in OpenSim States Military AcademyAssociate ProfessorMetabolic Analysis of Ten Subjects Running at Four Speeds


(coming soon)
JulieDillionTibialisUnited States Military Academy Metabolic Analysis of Ten Subjects Running at Four Speeds

OpenSim Team

Team PlantarisTeam LatissimusTeam Sartorius

Jen Hicks

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Ajay Seth

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Ayman Habib

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Chris Dembia

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Apoorva Rajagopal

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Carmichael Ong

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Team Tibialis

Team Peroneus

Tom Uchida

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James Dunne

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Shrinidhi KL

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Jenny Yong

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Useful Links and Literature

National Center for Simulation Research (NCSRR) 

OpenSim Documentation (Confluence) 

Overview of the OpenSim Workflow

Preparing Your Data

Examples and Tutorials

Scripting with OpenSim

OpenSim Class Documentation

 OpenSim Souce Code 


OpenSim: Open-Source Software to Create and Analyze Dynamic Simulations of Movement  
Scott L. Delp, Frank C. Anderson, Allison S. Arnold, Peter Loan, Ayman Habib, Chand T. John, Eran Guendelman, and Darryl G. Thelen

Is My Model Good Enough? Best Practices for Verification and Validation of Musculoskeletal Models and Simulations of Movement
Jennifer L. Hicks, Thomas K. Uchida, Ajay Seth, Apoorva Rajagopal, Scott L. Delp
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Volume 137, Issue 2, 2015.