 | Select the quantity that you want to plot along the Y-axis by clicking the Y-Quantity… button. A drop down menu will appear, displaying available options (figure left). The options will vary, depending upon the data source (i.e., from an OpenSim analysis or an external source). Additional information may be needed to fully specify the quantity of interest. In this case, a small triangle appears to the right of the quantity and can be used to display a second menu. For example, the moment arm has to be defined relative to a specific generalized coordinate, so if you pick "moment arm" from the Y-Quantity menu, a second menu appears so that you can select the set of generalized coordinates. If the Y-Quantity selection requires muscle specification, the Muscles… button is enabled. You can select multiple muscles from the current model, as well as sum over subsets of muscles. If no muscles are selected, the Add button in the plot summary panel to add new curves is dimmed out. Pressing the Muscles… button brings up the filtering dialog box used to select muscles. Visit the __40__Selection Filtering Window section for more information about selecting muscles. In this context, you are able to keep the dialog box open and still make changes in other windows, for example, to change your Y-Quantity selection. This is useful when plotting different quantities for the same set of muscles. Select the quantity that you want to plot along the X-axis by clicking the X-Quantity… button. A drop down menu will appear, displaying available options. You may have noticed that an auto-generated name was created when you selected your Y-Quantity. If you want, you can specify a new name for the curve by entering the name in the box for Curve Name. This name can also be changed after the curve has been generated by using the curve drop down menu visit the section on the __40__Plot Summary Panel for more information about the curve drop down menu. This name will be used to identify the curve in the plot summary panel, as well as in the plot legend. Press the Add button in the plot summary panel to run the desired analyses and display the resulting curves in the plot panel.
Info |
For quantities that depend on activation, activation is assumed to equal 1 and equilibrium between fiber and tendon is found. Exceptions are if you use the Activation Override (under __40__ Advanced Options) or if you specify an appropriate states file in the X-quantity. |
You can also plot data generated by other tools in OpenSim. For example, running the forward tool (__40__How Forward Dynamics Works) generates a set of storage (.sto) files recording model states and the forces generated by various actuators in the model during a forward simulation. These can be plotted in the Plotter window.