How to Use IAA Tool

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How to Use IAA Tool

The topics covered in this section include:

Command-line Execution

The Induced Acceleration Analysis is run using the command analyze -S <setup file name>, for example,
analyze -S subject01_Setup_IAA.xml

Setup Files and XML Tag Definitions

Induced Acceleration Analysis Properties

The Induced Acceleration Analysis is performed using the AnalyzeTool (inputs defined in the section on Getting Started with Analyses) and is added to its set of Analyses. The specific XML properties for an Induced Accelerations analyis are presented below, Setup Files and XML Tags.  You can also download this example set up file used to analyze a running simulation as published in Hamner, SR, Seth, A, Delp, SL. Muscle contributions to propulsion and support during running, Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 43, pp. 2709-2716, 2010.

Example: Sample properties for the setup of an Induced Acceleration Analysis

<InducedAccelerations name="InducedAccelerations">
<!--Flag (true or false) specifying whether whether on. -->
<on> true </on>
<!-- Starting time for the Analysis.-->
<start_time> 0.0 </start_time>
<!--End time for the Analysis.-->
<end_time> 1.5 </end_time>
<!--Specifies how often to store results during a simulation.-->
<step_interval> 10 </step_interval>
<!--Flag (true or false) indicating whether output angles are in degrees.-->
<in_degrees> true </in_degrees>
<!--Names of the coordinates for which to compute induced accelerations. The key word 'All' indicates that the analysis should be performed for all coordinates.-->
<coordinate_names> knee_angle_r </coordinate_names>

 <!--Names of the bodies for which to compute induced accelerations. The key word 'All' indicates that the analysis should be performed for all bodies. Use 'center_of_mass' for the induced accelerations of the system mass center -->
<body_names> center_of_mass </body_names>

 <!-- ConstraintSet for replacing of ExternalForces applied to the model -->
  <RollingOnSurfaceConstraint name="right_foot_contact">
    <!-- Specify to disable constraint by default -->
    <isDisabled> true </isDisabled>

    <!-- Specify the rolling body for this constraint -->
    <rolling_body> calcn_r </rolling_body>

    <!-- Specify the body containing the surface (plane) that the rolling body rolls on. -->
    <surface_body> ground </surface_body>

    <!-- Surface's normal direction defined in the surface body -->
    <surface_normal> 0 1 0 </surface_normal>

    <!-- Surface height in the direction of the normal in the surface body: -->
    <surface_height> 0 </surface_height>

    <!-- Coulomb friction coefficient for rolling on the surface-->
    <friction_coefficient> 0.75 </friction_coefficient>

    <!-- A guess at the area of contact approximated by a circle-->
    <contact_radius> 0.01 </contact_radius>

  <RollingOnSurfaceConstraint name="left_foot_contact">
    <!-- Specify to disable constraint by default -->
    <isDisabled> true </isDisabled>

    <!-- Specify the rolling body for this constraint -->
     <rolling_body> calcn_l </rolling_body>

    <!-- Specify the body containing the surface (plane) that the rolling body rolls on. -->
    <surface_body> ground </surface_body>

    <!-- Surface's normal direction defined in the surface body -->
    <surface_normal> 0 1 0 </surface_normal>

    <!-- Surface height in the direction of the normal in the surface body -->
    <surface_height> 0 </surface_height>

    <!-- Coulomb friction coefficient for rolling on the surface: -->
    <friction_coefficient> 0.75 </friction_coefficient>

    <!-- A guess at the area of contact approximated by a circle -->
    <contact_radius> 0.01 </contact_radius>

 <!—Minimum magnitude of force necessary to turn on constraint.-->
<force_threshold> 6 </force_threshold>

<!— Only compute the potential (acceleration/N) of an actuator to accelerate the model..-->
<compute_potentials_only> false </compute_potentials_only>

<!— Report individual (induced) force contributions to constraint reactions forces in addition to resulting accelerations->
<report_constraint_reactions> true </report_constraint_reactions>

OpenSim is supported by the Mobilize Center , an NIH Biomedical Technology Resource Center (grant P41 EB027060); the Restore Center , an NIH-funded Medical Rehabilitation Research Resource Network Center (grant P2C HD101913); and the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance through the Joe and Clara Tsai Foundation. See the People page for a list of the many people who have contributed to the OpenSim project over the years. ©2010-2024 OpenSim. All rights reserved.