For both data, walking speed is identical, and mass of the load for loaded walking was 38kg.
- Data type
- Marker position data
- Ground reaction force data
- Subject
- mass: 61.3kg
- Sex: male
How to model a subject wearing active actuator
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- The diagram
Sample models
Loaded gait model
Now, let’s take a look at my project results. In this slide, different types of loaded gait models are shown. These models are based on the generic gait model in Opensim, and they were adjusted through RRA algorithm in order to be dynamically consistent with experimental data. After RRA had been done, I added different types of actuators to different models. One on the left is a loaded walking model without any actuator, and the one in the middle has ankle actuators on both ankles, and the one on the right has hip actuators around hip flexion DOF. You can see cable driven actuators which are represented by blue lines on the bottom. With these models, I first compared the effectiveness of ankle actuator and hip actuator in loaded gait scenario.
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Unloaded gait model
Same procedure has been done to unloaded walking data and models. All of these models represent unloaded walking model by empty backpack.
Optimization process
The idea to optimize the control input force for the actuator is to take advantage of the optimization procedure in CMC tool. CMC procedure. CMC procedure contains static optimization process, and it tries to minimize the cost function J which can be represented as