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The <maximum_number_of_integrator_steps> property indicates the maximum number of steps RRA during an entire run before termination. During each integration, the maximum number of seconds that may elapse is specified by <maximum_integrator_step_size>. Increasing the <integrator_error_tolerance> will decrease the integrator step size, while decreasing the <integrator_fine_tolerance> will increase the integrator step size. Other simulation parameters like <initial_time>, <final_time>, and <cmc_time_window> are described earlier in the Simulation section for RRA (__40__How RRA Works).

Tracking Information

The coordinates that should be followed by the model during RRA are specified within a file, indicated by the <task_set_file> and </task_set_file> tags. In Example 1, that file is gait2354_RRA_Tasks.xml. See RRA Tasks File for information about the property tags used within a task file.


There can be multiple sets of ground reaction forces for different locations on the body. These are specified in the file identified by the <external_loads_file> tags. The external loads .xml file specifies the source file for input forces and to which location and body the forces are to be applied. See __40__ Inverse Dynamics for additional details for applying any number of external loads as point forces and/or body torques.


The tags <kp>, <kv>, < ka> are parameters in the proportional-derivative (PD) control law used to compute desired accelerations for tracking the experimental kinematics computed by the inverse kinematics (IK) solver (see __40__ Inverse Kinematics). This control law contains a position error feedback gain (stiffness) and a velocity error feedback gain (damping). The stiffness for each tracked coordinate is specified within the <kp> property, while the damping is specified within the <kv> property. An acceleration feed-forward gain is also allowed, but in the above example, this gain is set to 1, i.e., there is no acceleration gain. The acceleration gain is specified within the <ka> property.



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