Team Members
- Katerina Gregoriou
Project Video
Video due and should be uploaded to your page by 6/5. See previous course pages for example videos.
Videos should be less than 7 minutes.
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the most common motor disorder in childhood, affecting over 17 million individuals worldwide (Cerebral Palsy Foundation). The majority of these individuals are unable to perform activities of daily living (ADL) due to wrist contracture, a result of . As a and are therefore forced to rely on a caregiver.
In a few paragraphs or less, describe the goal of your project and any relevant background information.
To be completed by 5/8.
Research Question(s)
- How can we convert IMU data from an upper-extremity assistive article of clothing to live-stream kinematics in OpenSim?
- Where is the best placement for IMUs to track changes in wrist angle following a vibrational stimulus?
This can include:
- Model(s) used
- Simulation strategy
- Computational tools
- Experimental procedures/data
- Flow chart of methods
This will vary based on your project.
It should include a step-by-step guide such that anyone using your page can understand and complete. The purpose of the confluence page is to share your work with others so that we can build off of each other's research, so making your methods clear is very important.
You can also insert code (with approval from project mentors) and other helpful links.
To be completed by 6/5 (but you should have a plan by 5/8).
This can include:
- Videos of simulations
- Graphs of results
- Tables of results
- Other figures
- Relevant equations
Make sure to point out how this addresses your research questions.
To be completed by 6/5.
Future Work
- What were some challenges you faced?
- Did you address all the research questions you aimed to?
- What future studies could be done to address these challenges?
- Based on your results, what are the next questions to be studied?
- How does this advance the field of biomechanics on a larger scale?
To be completed by 6/5.
You should acknowledge any help you received on your project. Collaboration is always encouraged but must be acknowledged.
Home: BIOE-ME 485 Spring 2018