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Fatigable Muscle Code

This page will feature the code necessary to generate and incorporate our fatigable muscle model.

During this project, we successfully:

  • Developed a muscle model which incorporates properties of fatigue, orderly recruitment and fiber composition,
  • Created a plugin so that we can visualize our muscle model in the OpenSim GUI,
  • Utilized an optimization to identify our fatigue parameters to match experimental data, and
  • Created a tug-of-war simulation between a fatigable muscle and a muscle without fatigue properties.

All source code for this project is available for download at https://simtk.org/home/fatigablemuscle.

Development of Fatigable Muscle Model

Class declaration

The following lines in the FatigableMuscle.h header file declare the FatigableMuscle class by extending a Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle.

    class FatigableMuscle : public Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle {
        OpenSim_DECLARE_CONCRETE_OBJECT(FatigableMuscle, Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle);

Properties declaration

The FatigableMuscle inherits all properties from the Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle. The following code in FatigableMuscle.h declares additional properties of the FatigableMuscle.

OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(fatigue_factor, double, "percentage of active motor units that fatigue in unit time");

OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(recovery_factor, double, "percentage of fatigued motor units that recover in unit time");

OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(fatigue_factor_slow, double, "percentage of active motor units that fatigue in unit time for a slow-twitch muscle");

OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(recovery_factor_slow, double, "percentage of fatigued motor units that recover in unit time for a slow-twitch muscle");

OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(fatigue_factor_fast, double, "percentage of active motor units that fatigue in unit time for a fast-twitch muscle");

OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(recovery_factor_fast, double, "percentage of fatigued motor units that recover in unit time for a fast-twitch muscle");

OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(recruitment_from_resting_time_constant, double, "constant that scales the rate of   recruitment from resting motor units to active motor units");         

OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(default_active_motor_units, double, "default state value for the fraction of motor units that are active");

OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(default_fatigued_motor_units, double, "default state value for the fraction of motor units that are fatigued");

OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(default_resting_motor_units, double, "default state value for the fraction of motor units that are resting");
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(percent_slowTwitch, double, "percent of total muscle PCSA made up of slow-twitch muscle fibers Type Ia");

OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(specificTension_slowTwitch, double, "specific tension of slow-twitch fibers in N/m^2");

OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(specificTension_fastTwitch, double, "specific tension of fast-twitch fibers in N/m^2");

OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(musclePCSA, double, "muscle PCSA = Volume / l_opt *cos alpha");
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(use_orderly_recruitment_curve, bool, "boolean specificy whether to use orderly recruitment activation factor curve");


Default constructor & constructProperties()

The constructProperties function sets all properties of the muscle to the default values. The default constructor does not modify any of these values.

 * Construct and initialize properties.
 * All properties are added to the property set. Once added, they can be
 * read in and written to files.
void FatigableMuscle::constructProperties()
    setAuthors("Ajay Seth");
    void setRecruitmentFromRestingTimeConstant(double aRecruitmentFromRestingTimeConstant);

// Default constructor

Other available constructors

There are three other available constructors for the Fatigable Muscle, shown and described below.

 * Constructor.
FatigableMuscle::FatigableMuscle(const std::string &name, double PCSA, double percentSlow,
                                 double optimalFiberLength, double tendonSlackLength, double pennationAngle) :
Super(name, 1.0, optimalFiberLength, tendonSlackLength, pennationAngle)
    // update max isometric force based on PCSA and default values for specific tension slow/fast
    double percentFast = 1.0 - percentSlow;
    double maxIsometricForce = PCSA * (percentSlow * getSpecificTensionSlowTwitch() + percentFast * getSpecificTensionFastTwitch());
    // set fatigue and recovery factors
    double fatigueFactor = getFatigueFactorSlow() * percentSlow + getFatigueFactorFast() * percentFast;
    double recoveryFactor = getRecoveryFactorSlow() * percentSlow + getRecoveryFactorFast() * percentFast;

 * Constructor.
FatigableMuscle::FatigableMuscle(const std::string &name, double PCSA, double percentSlow,
                double optimalFiberLength, double tendonSlackLength, double pennationAngle,
                double fatigueFactor, double recoveryFactor) :
Super(name, 1.0, optimalFiberLength, tendonSlackLength, pennationAngle)
    // update max isometric force based on PCSA and default values for specific tension slow/fast
    double percentFast = 1.0 - percentSlow;
    double maxIsometricForce = PCSA * (percentSlow * getSpecificTensionSlowTwitch() + percentFast * getSpecificTensionFastTwitch());

 * Constructor.
FatigableMuscle::FatigableMuscle(const std::string &name, double PCSA, double percentSlow,
                                 double optimalFiberLength, double tendonSlackLength, double pennationAngle,
                                 double fatigueFactor, double recoveryFactor, double recruitmentTimeConstant) :
Super(name, 1.0, optimalFiberLength, tendonSlackLength, pennationAngle)
    // update max isometric force based on PCSA and default values for specific tension slow/fast
    double percentFast = 1.0 - percentSlow;
    double maxIsometricForce = PCSA * (percentSlow * getSpecificTensionSlowTwitch() + percentFast * getSpecificTensionFastTwitch());

New model states

Four new states are added to the model:

  • Target activation
  • ActiveMotorUnits
  • FatiguedMotorUnits
  • RestingMotorUnits (this is not an independent state, but is added in for debugging purposes)
// Define new states and their derivatives in the underlying system
void FatigableMuscle::addToSystem(SimTK::MultibodySystem& system) const
    // Allow Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle to add its states, cache, etc.
    // to the system
    // Now add the states necessary to implement the fatigable behavior
    // and their corresponding dervivatives
    addCacheVariable("target_activation_deriv", 0.0, SimTK::Stage::Dynamics);
    addCacheVariable("active_motor_units_deriv", 0.0, SimTK::Stage::Dynamics);
    addCacheVariable("fatigued_motor_units_deriv", 0.0, SimTK::Stage::Dynamics);
    addCacheVariable("resting_motor_units_deriv", 0.0, SimTK::Stage::Dynamics);

Computation of state derivatives

The new state variable derivatives are computed based on a function that governs the recruitment of resting fibers to an active state based on the current muscle excitation and activation and the muscle fatigue parameters.

 * Compute the function c(t) which represents the recruitment of resting motor units to active motor units.
 * @param s  system state

double FatigableMuscle::calculateRecruitmentOfResting(const SimTK::State& s) const
    double recruitmentOfResting;
    double excitation = getExcitation(s);
    double activation = getTargetActivation(s);
    double activeMotorUnits = getActiveMotorUnits(s);
    double restingMotorUnits = calculateRestingMotorUnits(s);
    // double restingMotorUnits = getRestingMotorUnits(s);
    if ((excitation >= activation) && ((excitation - activeMotorUnits) < restingMotorUnits))
        recruitmentOfResting = excitation - activeMotorUnits;
    else if ((excitation >= activation) && ((excitation - activeMotorUnits) >= restingMotorUnits))
        recruitmentOfResting = restingMotorUnits;
        recruitmentOfResting = excitation - activeMotorUnits;
    return recruitmentOfResting;
 * Compute the derivatives of the muscle states.
 * @param s  system state
SimTK::Vector FatigableMuscle::
computeStateVariableDerivatives(const SimTK::State& s) const
    // vector of the derivatives to be returned
    SimTK::Vector derivs(getNumStateVariables(), SimTK::NaN);
    int nd = derivs.size();
    SimTK_ASSERT1(nd == 6, "FatigableMuscle: Expected 5 state variables"
                  " but encountered  %f.", nd);
    // compute the rates at which motor units are converted to/from active
    // and fatigued states based on an SIR model
    double activeMotorUnitsDeriv = getRestingMotorUnits(s)*(calculateRecruitmentOfResting(s)/getRecruitmentFromRestingTimeConstant() - getFatigueFactor()*getActiveMotorUnits(s));
    double fatigueMotorUnitsDeriv = getFatigueFactor()*getActiveMotorUnits(s)*getRestingMotorUnits(s) - getRecoveryFactor()*getFatiguedMotorUnits(s);
    double restingMotorUnitsDeriv = getRecoveryFactor()*getFatiguedMotorUnits(s) - getRestingMotorUnits(s)*calculateRecruitmentOfResting(s)/getRecruitmentFromRestingTimeConstant();
    //Compute the target activation rate based on the given activation model
    const MuscleFirstOrderActivationDynamicModel& actMdl
    = get_MuscleFirstOrderActivationDynamicModel();
    double excitation = getExcitation(s);
    // use the activation dynamics model to calculate the target activation
    double targetActivation = actMdl.clampActivation(getTargetActivation(s));
    double targetActivationRate = actMdl.calcDerivative(targetActivation, excitation);
    // specify the activation derivative based on the amount of active motor
    // units and the rate at which motor units are becoming active.
    // we assume that the actual activation = Ma*a       then,
    // activationRate = dMa/dt*a + Ma*da/dt  where a is the target activation
    double activationRate = calculateActivationFactorDeriv(s) * targetActivationRate * (1.0 - getFatiguedMotorUnits(s)) 
        - calculateActivationFactor(s)*fatigueMotorUnitsDeriv;
    // set the actual activation rate of the muscle to the fatigued one
    derivs[0] = activationRate;
    // fiber length derivative
    derivs[1] = getFiberVelocity(s);
    // the target activation derivative
    derivs[2] = targetActivationRate;
    derivs[3] = activeMotorUnitsDeriv;
    derivs[4] = fatigueMotorUnitsDeriv;
    derivs[5] = restingMotorUnitsDeriv;
    // RIGID TENDON (fiber length is no longer a state)
    // set the actual activation rate of the muscle to the fatigued one
    derivs[0] = activationRate;
    // fiber length derivative
//    derivs[1] = getFiberVelocity(s);
    // the target activation derivative
    derivs[1] = targetActivationRate;
    derivs[2] = activeMotorUnitsDeriv;
    derivs[3] = fatigueMotorUnitsDeriv;
    derivs[4] = restingMotorUnitsDeriv;
    // cache the results for fast access by reporting, etc...
    setTargetActivationDeriv(s, targetActivationRate);
    setActiveMotorUnitsDeriv(s, activeMotorUnitsDeriv);
    setFatiguedMotorUnitsDeriv(s, fatigueMotorUnitsDeriv);
    setRestingMotorUnitsDeriv(s, restingMotorUnitsDeriv);
    return derivs;

Compute activation factor

The activation factor is meant to represent orderly recruitment. The code for calculating the piecewise, C2-continuous cubic spline is given below.

 * Compute the cubic spline parameters for our activation factor.
 * @param s  system state

SimTK::Vector FatigableMuscle::calculateSplineParametersForActivation() const
    SimTK::Vector splineParameters(8, SimTK::NaN);
    double percentSlowTwitch = getPercentSlowTwitch();
    double specificTensionSlow = getSpecificTensionSlowTwitch();
    double PCSA = getMusclePCSA();
    double maxForce = getMaxIsometricForce();
    double percentMaxForceSlow = (PCSA * percentSlowTwitch * specificTensionSlow)/maxForce;
    double x = percentSlowTwitch;
    double y = percentMaxForceSlow;
    splineParameters[0] = 0.0;
    splineParameters[1] = 0.0;
    splineParameters[2] = 1.5*(pow(x,2.0)*(-1.0+2.0*x-pow(x,2.0)) - y*pow(x,2.0)*(-1.0+2.0*x - pow(x,2.0)) - y*(-3.0+3.0*x-(-2.0+x)*(1.0-pow(x,3.0))))/(pow(x,2.0)*(1.0+3.0*pow(x,2.0)-3.0*x-pow(x,3.0)));
    splineParameters[3] = y*(1.0+1.5*(-1.0+pow(x,2.0))*(1.0+pow(x,2.0)))/(pow(x,3.0)*(1.0+3.0*pow(x,2.0)-3.0*x-pow(x,3.0))) + (1.5+1.5*pow(x,2.0)-3.0*x-y*(-1.5+x+1.5*pow(x,2.0)))/(x*(1.0+3.0*pow(x,2.0)-3.0*x-pow(x,3.0)));
    splineParameters[4] = 0.5*(3.0*pow(x,2.0) - y - 2.0*pow(x,3.0))/(1.0+3.0*pow(x,2.0) - 3.0*x - pow(x,3.0));
    splineParameters[5] = 1.5*(y+2.0*pow(x,2.0)*(-1.5+x))/(x*(1.0+3.0*pow(x,2.0)-3.0*x-pow(x,3.0)));
    splineParameters[6] = 1.5*(x*y - 2.0*y - x*(-2.0+pow(x,2.0)))/(x*(1.0+3.0*pow(x,2.0)-3.0*x-pow(x,3.0)));
    splineParameters[7] = -(x*y - 1.5*y - 1.5*x*(-4.0/3.0+x))/(x*(1.0+3.0*pow(x,2.0)-3.0*x-pow(x,3.0)));
    return splineParameters;

 * Compute the function f(a) which represents activation factor for orderly recruitment.
 * @param s  system state
double FatigableMuscle::calculateActivationFactor(const SimTK::State& s) const
    double activation = getTargetActivation(s);
    SimTK::Vector splineParameters = calculateSplineParametersForActivation();
    double a0 = splineParameters[0];
    double a1 = splineParameters[1];
    double a2 = splineParameters[2];
    double a3 = splineParameters[3];
    double b0 = splineParameters[4];
    double b1 = splineParameters[5];
    double b2 = splineParameters[6];
    double b3 = splineParameters[7];
    double percentSlowTwitch = getPercentSlowTwitch();
    double activationFactor;

    if (activation < percentSlowTwitch)
        activationFactor = a0 + a1*activation + a2*pow(activation,2.0) + a3*pow(activation,3.0);
        if (activationFactor > 1.0)
            activationFactor = 1.0;
        else if (activationFactor < 0.0)
            activationFactor = 0.0;
        activationFactor = b0 + b1*activation + b2*pow(activation,2.0) + b3*pow(activation,3.0);
        if (activationFactor > 1.0)
            activationFactor = 1.0;
        else if (activationFactor < 0.0)
            activationFactor = 0.0;
    return activationFactor;

Compute initial fiber equilibrium

Currently, this method is overridden from the Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle class, with the motor units states set to fixed values. This will be changed in the future.

/* Determine the initial state values based on initial fiber equlibrium. */
void FatigableMuscle::computeInitialFiberEquilibrium(SimTK::State& s) const
    // initialize th target activation to be the actual.
    setTargetActivation(s, getActivation(s));
    // assume that all motor units can be activated initially and there is
    // no appreciable fatigue
    setActiveMotorUnits(s, 0.1);
    setFatiguedMotorUnits(s, 0.0);
    setRestingMotorUnits(s, 0.9);
    // Compute the fiber & tendon lengths according to the parent Muscle 

Fatigable Muscle Plugin Files

Note that, to use the fatigable muscle plugin in OpenSim, you only need to download the .dll file which has been added as an attachment to this page. However, if you would like to build the plugin yourself and make any necessary changes, we have the code to do so shown below.

To build the plugin, you will want to include the same source file for the fatigable muscle given above. You must also include osimPluginDLL.h and RegisterTypes_osimPlugin.h, which are files that can be copied over from other OpenSim Plugin examples.

In addition, you must make one small change to the fatigable muscle header file, which will build the FatigableMuscle into a library which can be used in the GUI.

    class OSIMPLUGIN_API FatigableMuscle : public Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle {

Finally, you must include the source code RegisterTypes_osimPlugin.cpp. This file can also be copied from an OpenSim Plugin example, with one minor modification which is shown below.

OSIMPLUGIN_API void RegisterTypes_osimPlugin()
    Object::RegisterType( FatigableMuscle() );

Fatigable Muscle Optimization for Fatigue Parameters

The code necessary to run the optimization is included below. Note that, to run an optimization, you must also include the header files osimPluginDLL.h, RegisterTypes_osimPlugin.h, FatigableMuscle.h, and the source files FatigableMuscle.cpp and RegisterTypes_osimPlugin.cpp.

Optimization source code

The optimizer tunes three parameters: the fatigue rate (F), recovery rate (R), and recruitment time constant (τ). The objective function is an RMS error between the percent maximum force generated during an isometric contraction over 60 seconds and experimental data on the fatigue of the thumb adductor policis muscle collected by Hainaut and Duchateau.

	int objectiveFunc(  const Vector& FRTParameters, bool new_coefficients, Real& f ) const {
        Set<Muscle>& muscles = osimModel.updMuscles();
        FatigableMuscle& fatigableMuscle = dynamic_cast<FatigableMuscle&>(muscles.get("fatigable"));
        fatigableMuscle.setFatigueFactor( FRTParameters[0] );
        fatigableMuscle.setRecoveryFactor( FRTParameters[1] );
        fatigableMuscle.setRecruitmentFromRestingTimeConstant( FRTParameters[2] );
	// Initialize the system and get the state
		SimTK::State& si = osimModel.initSystem();
        // Compute initial conditions for muscles
        // Create the force reporter
		ForceReporter* reporter = new ForceReporter(&osimModel);
		// Create the integrator for the simulation.
		RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator integrator(osimModel.getMultibodySystem());
		// Create a manager to run the simulation
		Manager manager(osimModel, integrator);
		// Integrate from initial time to final time
		osimModel.getMultibodySystem().realize(si, Stage::Acceleration);
	/* Calculate the scalar quantity we want to minimize or maximize.  */
        // Get the simulated storage object
	Storage simulatedForces = reporter->getForceStorage();
        // Load the experimental data storage object (force column is really percent max force)
        Storage experimentalForces = Storage("untrainedThumbForce.sto");
        // Get force data from each storage object
        Array<double> simulatedFatigableForce, experimentalFatigableForce;
        simulatedForces.getDataColumn("fatigable", simulatedFatigableForce);
        experimentalForces.getDataColumn("force", experimentalFatigableForce);
        // Get time data from each storage object
        Array<double> timeSimulatedForce, timeExperimentalForce;
        // normalize simulated force data to max isometric force for comparison w/experimental
        Array<double> simulatedFatigablePercentMaxIsometricForce = simulatedFatigableForce;
        double maxIsometricForce = fatigableMuscle.getMaxIsometricForce();
        for (int i = 0; i < timeSimulatedForce.getSize(); i++) {
            simulatedFatigablePercentMaxIsometricForce[i] = 100.0*simulatedFatigableForce[i]/maxIsometricForce;
        // get start and end time and indices for simulated data
        double startTime = timeSimulatedForce.get(0);
        double endTime = timeSimulatedForce.getLast();
        int startIndexSim = timeSimulatedForce.findIndex(startTime);
        int endIndexSim = timeSimulatedForce.findIndex(endTime);
        // create a spline of the experimental data
        GCVSpline splineOfExpData(3, timeExperimentalForce.getSize(), &timeExperimentalForce[0], &experimentalFatigableForce[0]);
        // calculate the RMS value
        double rmsError = 0.0;
        for (int i = startIndexSim; i < timeSimulatedForce.getSize(); i++) {
            SimTK::Vector inputTime(1, timeSimulatedForce[i]);
            rmsError += pow( (simulatedFatigablePercentMaxIsometricForce[i] - splineOfExpData.calcValue(inputTime)), 2.0 );
        rmsError = sqrt(rmsError/timeSimulatedForce.getSize());

Fatigable Muscle Tug-of-War Example

The code for building the tug-of-war example is included in the attachments and in the OpenSim sdk folder. To modify the example to include the FatigableMuscle model instead, use the following code.

    // Create two new fatiguable muscles
    double musclePCSA = 10.0e-4;
    double percentSlowTwitch = 0.20;
    double optimalFiberLength = 0.20;
    double tendonSlackLength = 0.10;
    double pennationAngle = 0.0;
    double fatigueFactor = 2.0;
    double recoveryFactor = 0.3;
    double timeConstant = 10.0;
    // fatigable muscle (Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle with fatigue)
    FatigableMuscle* fatigable = new FatigableMuscle("fatigable", musclePCSA, percentSlowTwitch, optimalFiberLength, tendonSlackLength, pennationAngle, fatigueFactor, recoveryFactor, timeConstant);
    // muscle without fatigue (fatigable muscle model with fatigue factor, recovery factor set to 0)
    FatigableMuscle* original = new FatigableMuscle("original", musclePCSA, percentSlowTwitch, optimalFiberLength, tendonSlackLength, pennationAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);



OpenSim is supported by the Mobilize Center , an NIH Biomedical Technology Resource Center (grant P41 EB027060); the Restore Center , an NIH-funded Medical Rehabilitation Research Resource Network Center (grant P2C HD101913); and the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance through the Joe and Clara Tsai Foundation. See the People page for a list of the many people who have contributed to the OpenSim project over the years. ©2010-2024 OpenSim. All rights reserved.