Scripting with Matlab

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Scripting with Matlab

The system architecture of Matlab & OpenSim must match (install 64-bit OpenSim if you use 64-bit Matlab). Matlab setup and configuration instructions are below.

When referring to indexed elements remember that Matlab begins indexing at 1 while OpenSim data structures begin at 0.

What's Available?

  • Access to the OpenSim API to create and simulate models 
  • Users can instantiate and run tools from setup files or programmatically 
  • Repeated/batch runs of tools
  • A visualizer for API users that can be invoked through Matlab


  • In this mode, there’s no access to the plotter (you can use Matlab’s native plotter) or the graphics window (use the model visualizer instead).
  • Some internal Simtk classes (that belong to the SimTK namespace and simbody internals) are not available for construction, but the most commonly used classes are available as of version 3.1 (SimTK::Vec3, Vector, Mat33, State, Inertia).

Loading OpenSim Libraries 

Once you have set up the OpenSim-Matlab environment (see below) you will need to load the OpenSim libraries to call OpenSim methods. Use the following call at the beginning of your OpenSim-Matlab scripts. 


To Load the OpenSim Libraries in Matlab
>> import org.opensim.modeling.*		% Import OpenSim Libraries

To view the methods in an OpenSim class, you can use the following in the MATLAB command window:

View all methods in an OpenSim class
>> methods Model
>> methods org.opensim.modeling.Model

You can obtain a window listing the signatures (arguments, return type) of all methods in an OpenSim class:

View all method signatures in an OpenSim class
>> methodsview Model

The MATLAB command window also supports tab completion.


Available Example Scripts

Scripts can are located in the OpenSim distribution in the /Scripts/Matlab folder. 

Script Name

and These scripts generate a simple tug of war model, run a simulation, and visualize the results.
Script to create an OpenSim model with coordinates prescribed according to an input motion file. It uses a helper function defined in the script createPrescribedMotionModel.

This is a Matlab function that generates OpenSim Setup Files for the Analyze>MuscleAnalysis tool and runs the Analyze tool. You must run setupAndRunIKBatchExample first to generate the motion files used in this example.

Runs multiple inverse kinematics trials for the model Subject01 located in the subfolder "testData\subject01". User must specify the results directory (e.g. "IKResults"), the .osim model (e.g. "subject01_gait2392_scaled.osim"), and the .trc files (e.g. in folder "MarkerData"). To see the results, load the model and IK output in the GUI.
Runs a simple optimization to find the elbow flexion angle where the moment arm of the biceps femoris short head is maximized.
Runs model simulation for gvien coefficients, returns integration
Function that loads a model and its muscles, then creates a new model where all muscles are scaled by a common scale factor. Takes 3 inputs: 1) the path and name of an existing OpenSim model, 2) the path and name of the new model to be outputted, and 3) the scale factor. If no input model names are given, the user is prompted to choose a model to scale and all muscle strengths are doubled.


Setting up your Matlab Scripting Environment

These instructions assume that you've already installed OpenSim version 3.1 or later (see Installation Guide for more info). As noted above, the system architecture of OpenSim must match your version of MATLAB (64-bit or 32-bit). Windows users: note that the OPENSIM_INSTALL_DIR\bin directory must appear in your system PATH environment variable.

Automated Setup


From OpenSim 3.2 onward we have included a script which automates the steps described below. Navigate to the the folder where you installed OpenSim, then find the Scripts > Matlab folder and use Matlab to run configureOpenSim.m (it is likely that you will need to run Matlab as administrator). This script will update Maltab's system, class and library paths to include the OpenSim 3.2 libraries. Please note that this script will clean out any existing paths that contain the string 'opensim'. If you have existing paths containing this string that you would like to maintain, you will have to add OpenSim 3.2 libraries manually (see the steps below). 


To configure Matlab for OpenSim
>>> configureOpenSim		% Configure Matlab for the OpenSim Libraries

Manual Setup


If you are running OpenSim 3.1 or below, please refer to the manual configuration guide below. 

Launch Matlab as an Administrator

Find the location where you installed OpenSim (e.g. C:\OpenSim3.0, C:\Program Files\OpenSim 3.0). We will refer to this directory as OPENSIM_INSTALL_DIRECTORY. Substitute your specific directory in the instructions below. In the images, we use C:\OpenSim 3.1.


You'll be editing files in the Matlab installation itself, and to do this we'll need to run Matlab as an administrator. To do so, right-click Matlab in your Start menu, and select Run as administrator.

Tell Matlab about OpenSim's Java library (.jar)

  • In the Matlab Command Window, type edit classpath.txt.
  • Add OPENSIM_INSTALL_DIRECTORY\opensim\modules\org-opensim-modeling.jar to the end of the file.

Tell Matlab about OpenSim's C++ libraries, which the Java library depends on

The remaining changes deal with OPENSIM_INSTALL_DIRECTORY\bin.

  •  In the Matlab Command Window, type edit librarypath.txt.
  • Add OPENSIM_INSTALL_DIRECTORY\bin to the end of the file ensuring Matlab has the correct path to the DLL files in the opensim bin.

Add OpenSim C++ libraries to Matlab's PATH variable

  •  Type editpath in the command window (in newer versions, you'll use pathtool instead).
  • Add the OpenSim bin folder OPENSIM_INSTALL_DIRECTORY\bin by clicking on Add Folder and navigating to the OpenSim bin folder in the OpenSim install directory.

Wrap it up

  • Close and restart Matlab, because your changes are not recognized until doing so.
  • Test that everything is configured correctly: In the command window, type import org.opensim.modeling.* If there is no error, then it worked! 
  • Now try out one of the Matlab example scripts. You can find these in the folder OPENSIM_INSTALL_DIRECTORY\sdk\Matlab (SDK stands for Software Development Kit).

Handling Java Exceptions

By default, if Java exceptions occur, Matlab will exit and save debug information to a log file in the current workspace. If this happens please send us the stack trace or crash report to fix. You don't need to setDebugLevel as of version 3.1. For previous versions you can call



  • Errors related to osimJavaJNI not being on the path or "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" occur because the OPENSIM_INSTALL_DIR\bin directory is not on the system (Windows) path. Be sure the OPENSIM_INSTALL_DIR\bin directory has been added to the system PATH environment variable. (Note that the system PATH environment variable is distinct from MATLAB's path variable.)
  • If you're seeing errors saying failed dependencies with osimJavaJNI.dll, you would need to have Visual Studio redistribution package installed (which would come with any Visual Studio installation). You can just install the package files without Visual Studio on the Microsoft download site (For example 32-bit VS 2010 package is located here).





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OpenSim is supported by the Mobilize Center , an NIH Biomedical Technology Resource Center (grant P41 EB027060); the Restore Center , an NIH-funded Medical Rehabilitation Research Resource Network Center (grant P2C HD101913); and the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance through the Joe and Clara Tsai Foundation. See the People page for a list of the many people who have contributed to the OpenSim project over the years. ©2010-2024 OpenSim. All rights reserved.