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Excitation Editor Control Panel

The control panel, located in the bottom-right of the Excitation Editor, allows you to apply operations to selected points in multiple curves, as well as to excitations as a whole. The control panel display reflects these different pieces of functionality, which are described below:

Control Point Selection

Control points are selected in one of two ways, either individually or using the box-select functionality. The selection follows a scheme similar to that described in the section on Editing Control Ponts for control points in the Function Editor. In particular, to select a control point, hold down the ctrl key and left click on the point. To select multiple points, hold down the ctrl + shift keys while left clicking on the points.

You can also "box select" points by holding down the ctrl key, and then press the left mouse button and drag the cursor to the right form the selection box. If you hold down the shift key while box selecting, you can select multiple sets of control points.

Selected control points are displayed in blue. It is possible to select points in different panels. Every panel, however, has its own list of selected points, so clicking on a point without holding the ctrl key clears the selection but only for the panel that was clicked.

Excitation Selection

Excitations are selected by clicking on the nodes representing them in the excitation tree representation. Selected excitations appear in the excitation grid panel with a thick red border as shown on the Excitation Tree and Excitation Grid Panel page.

Operations on Control Points

Once you have selected one or more control points, you can drag them to a new location. Put the cursor over any of the selected points, and then press the left mouse button. While holding the button down, you can drag the set of points within the plot area. You cannot move the points in such a way that any point moves over one of the adjacent points (i.e., the points in the X direction must always be monotonically increasing).

While you are dragging control points, crosshairs are displayed along with the XY coordinates of the control point under the cursor. Because the displayed coordinates are for the control point, and not the location of the tip of the cursor, they can help you more accurately position the control point while dragging.

You can also set control points (across multiple panels) to a fixed value. Select the control points and type in the new value in the text box labeled Set selected points to.
You can also remove all selected points in all panels. Select the points and then press the Remove Selected Points button in the sub-panel labeled Operations on Selected Points.

Operations on Excitations

The commands for excitations are located in the control panel, the bottom-right panel of the Excitation Editor. Currently, one function is available for excitations: saving them. To save excitations, select them and then click the Export… button in the control panel. This brings up a dialog box that prompts you for the name of the .xml file in which to save the excitations.

Display Preferences

The Display Preferences section provides options to control how the control signal, e.g., a muscle excitation, and/or the min and max curves are displayed. The default is that control points of all the curves are displayed as white circles in the figure below. However, it is possible to turn these off for better visibility by unchecking the checkbox next to the appropriate curve type (Control, Minimum, Maximum) in the Curve Shapes section. Note that turning the circles off disables selection of these control points.

Another display preference is the min/max shading, which controls if the area between the min and max curves, if specified, is shaded. If the checkbox labelled MinMax in the Shading Options section is checked, shading is used.


OpenSim is supported by the Mobilize Center , an NIH Biomedical Technology Resource Center (grant P41 EB027060); the Restore Center , an NIH-funded Medical Rehabilitation Research Resource Network Center (grant P2C HD101913); and the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance through the Joe and Clara Tsai Foundation. See the People page for a list of the many people who have contributed to the OpenSim project over the years. ©2010-2024 OpenSim. All rights reserved.