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External Loads Specification
The External Loads pane is used to specify parameters relating to the external loads applied to the model during inverse dynamic analysis or in other tools (e.g. Forward Dynamics, or Computed Muscle Control, AnalyzeTool etc.). The section for External Loads is optional, and if checked, displays information that allows you to specify the external loads applied to the model and the corresponding kinematics of the external loads if needed. Additionally, there is an option to filter the kinematics for the external loads by selecting the check box next to Filter kinematics and entering the filter frequency.
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Within the Create/Edit ExternalForce window, you can define either a Point Force or a Body Force.
The drop-down menus for Force Columns, Point Columns, and Torque Columns allow you to specify which of the columns in the Force Data file are to be used to define the ExternalForce. Columns in the Force data file corresponding to the same force are assumed to live in adjacent columns and to have a common prefix that's used as an identifier for the corresponding ExternalForce. This common prefix is stored in the xml file as a "force_identifier", similar rules apply for the "point_identifier" in case a point needs to be specified and "torque_identifier" for the case when a torque is also applied. Other attributes of the ExternalForce are:
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