_OpenSim Models

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_OpenSim Models

Gait 2392 Model

A three-dimensional, 23 degree-of-freedom computer model of the human musculoskeletal system. The model features lower extremity joint definitions adopted from Delp et al. (1990), low back joint and anthropometry adopted from Anderson and Pandy et al. (1999), and a planar knee model adopted from Yamaguchi and Zajac etal. (1989). The model features 92 musculotendon actuators to represent 76 muscles in the lower extremities and torso. This model has been used in dynamic simulations of normal and pathological walking and other motions. Read more about the model.

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Gait 2354 Model

A three-dimensional, 23 degree-of-freedom computer model of the human musculoskeletal system. This model is a simplified version of the Gait 2392 model. It features lower extremity joint definitions adopted from Delp et al. (1990), low back joint and anthropometry adopted from Anderson and Pandy et al. (1999), and a planar knee model adopted from Yamaguchi and Zajac etal. (1989), and contains 54 musculotendon actuators to represent 46 muscles in the lower extremities and torso. This model is typically used for educational and demonstration purposes and other cases were faster simulation times are desired. Read more about the model .

Included with the OpenSim Distribution

Full Body Model

Full-body OpenSim model used by Samuel Hamner to create a muscle-actuated simulation of running. It is a modified and expanded version of the Gait 2392 model. The lower-extremity contains the muscles from the Delp (1990) model and the upper-extermity has idealized torque actuators at each degree of freedom (no muscles). Read more about the model.
A three-dimension, 23-degree-of-freedom musculoskeletal model for simulating drop landings with an AFO. This model is intended for demonstration purposes only. An unassisted model is also included. The model is adapted from the Gait 2354 model, with a torso, pelvis, and two legs. The model has 54 muscle-tendon actuators. The model also includes the ankle inverter and everter muscles. Attached to the feet are contact spheres that produce forces against the floor.  The floor is comprised of a contact plane and four degrees of freedom which can be used to rotate and lower the contact plane relative to the skeleton before simulating a drop. The AFO has a leg cuff and foot plate, connected by a linear bushing. Read more about the model.
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Lower Limb Model 2010

Model of the lower limb based on experimental measurements of muscle architecture in 21 cadavers. The model provides accurate representations of muscle moment arms and force generation capacities and allows detailed examination of the moment generation capacities of muscles about the ankle, knee, and hip. We are currently adapting this model for use with dynamic simulations. Read more about the model.


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