About OpenSim

About OpenSim

OpenSim is a software platform for modeling humans, animals, robots, and the environment, and simulating their interaction and movement. OpenSim has a graphical user interface (GUI) for visualizing models and generating and analyzing simulations. The open source and extensible software also includes an application programming interface (API) that developers can use to extend the software.

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OpenSim is supported by the Mobilize Center , an NIH Biomedical Technology Resource Center (grant P41 EB027060); the Restore Center , an NIH-funded Medical Rehabilitation Research Resource Network Center (grant P2C HD101913); and the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance through the Joe and Clara Tsai Foundation. See the People page for a list of the many people who have contributed to the OpenSim project over the years. ©2010-2024 OpenSim. All rights reserved.