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This section contains information about the four parts of the OpenSim window and one topic on formatting:

Parts of the OpenSim Window


  • For more information on the View Window visit View Window

  • For more information on the Navigator Window visit Navigator Window

  • For more information on the Coordinates Window visit Coordinates Window

  • For more information on the Messages Window visit Messages Window

  • For more information on Docking windows visit Docking

  • For more information on the Main Menu Bar visit Menus

  • For more information on the Toolbar visit Toolbar

View Window

The View window provides 3D visualization and animation of musculoskeletal models and simulations in the OpenSim GUI.

To add multiple views of the same model:

  1. Go to the OpenSim main menu bar and click Window → Add View. 


To learn more about the features of the 3D View Window please visit Navigating the 3D View Window




Navigator Window

The Navigator window provides information about a loaded model, such as bodies, actuators, joints, and associated motions, in a tree-style format.

To see the Navigator window:

  1. Go to the OpenSim main menu bar and select Window → Navigator

 To expand or reduce branches in the Navigator window, click the plus(plus) or minus(minus) icon next to the branch heading.

  To learn more about the Navigator Window please visit Navigator Window.


Coordinates Window

The Coordinates Window allows a user to interactively modify the joint coordinates in the model.

To see the Coordinates Window:

  1. Select Window → Coordinates from the OpenSim main menu bar.

    To learn more about the Coordinates Window please visit Coordinates Window.

Messages Window

The Messages window prints details of commands and analyses performed within OpenSim.

To see the Messages window:

  1. Click Window → Messages from the OpenSim main menu bar.

Topology View

As of OpenSim 3.2, we have added a Topology Viewer, which displays the tree of connections between bodies and joints in any OpenSim model. The Topology View at right shows the topology for the gait2354 model distributed with OpenSim.


The layout of the windows in the OpenSim GUI can be reconfigured by docking.

To dock a window:

  • Click the title bar of the window and drag it to the desired location. 

  • You can also use Alt+Shift+D to dock and undock windows

An orange outline will appear, previewing where the window will be docked.


Next: Toolbar

Previous: Menus 

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OpenSim is supported by the Mobilize Center , an NIH Biomedical Technology Resource Center (grant P41 EB027060); the Restore Center , an NIH-funded Medical Rehabilitation Research Resource Network Center (grant P2C HD101913); and the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance through the Joe and Clara Tsai Foundation. See the People page for a list of the many people who have contributed to the OpenSim project over the years. ©2010-2024 OpenSim. All rights reserved.