Plot Window

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Plot Window

Opening and Closing the Plotter Window

To open/close the Plotter window: 

  1. To open: select Tools ->Plot… from the OpenSim main menu bar. This brings up a blank Plotter window. An example of the plotter (with data) is shown on the left. Multiple instances of the Plotter window can be opened simultaneously.

  2. To close: select the standard "x" in the upper-right corner of the Plotter window.


The Plotter Window Layout

The Plotter window is made up of three panels as shown in the figure above.

  • The plot panel at the top of the Plotter window displays curves and shows the plot title, x-label, x-axis, y-label, y-axis and legend.

    You can Zoom In on the plot by using the mouse to draw a box around a region of interest. Start in the top left, and draw the box by dragging to the lower right of the plot panel. To Zoom Out click with the left mouse and drag it to the top right.

  • The curve creation panel appears in the lower-left part of the Plotter window and is used to specify the parameters needed to create and add new curves to the plot panel. The types of curves that can be displayed are discussed in the Curve Creation Panel section.
  • The Plot Summary Panel is the lower-right part of the Plotter window and is used to display the name and summary information for curves that are currently shown. There are also buttons to add and delete curves from the plot panel, as well as to change the display properties of the plot panel. Any changes made will be reflected in the curves list seen to the left.

Double click to edit any of the names in the Curves List to change the title of the figure or the curve legend.



The bottom half of the Plotter window (containing the curve creation and the plot summary panels) can be collapsed and expanded using the arrows on the horizontal divider immediately under the plot panel. This can be useful for better utilization of the space on the screen.



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