Tools for Preparing Motion Data

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Tools for Preparing Motion Data

Below is a list of available packages made available by members of the OpenSim community to convert experimental data into OpenSim format. In using these utilities we ask that you respect the hard work of your fellow researchers by citing their work appropriately. Please carefully review the publications and cite the references in your future papers and presentations. No guarantees about quality, correctness or support are provided by the SimTK team or OpenSim team. Use at your own risk. Please consider contributing. If you would like to have your project included on this site, please contact opensim@stanford.edu


Package Brief DescriptionPlatformAuthorsLicenseIncluded MaterialsLast Updated
MOtoNMSMOtoNMS is a Matlab toolbox able to read motion data stored in C3D files and process markers trajectories, ground reaction forces, and EMG signals for OpenSim and CEINMS.MatlabAlice, Mantoan, Monica ReggianiGNU General Public LicenseExtensive online documentation, example dataOngoing
GaitExtractToolbox171Matlab toolbox to assist in extracting kinematic, kinetic, and EMG information directly from a C3D file for use in OpenSim. The scripts can be configured for any laboratory configuration.MatlabTim DornMIT LicensePDF Instructions and Example dataJan, 2011
Matlab_Opensim_Tools_v2Folder containing a number of functions for processing data from C3D files to OpenSim format and for generating setup files and running scale/ik/id from the matlab command line. MatlabGlen Lichtwark, Ayman Habib, Rod BarrettMIT LicenseReadme instructions and example dataAugust, 2013
OpenSMAC1.0 This project contains a utility program (OpenSMAC) that converts motion files from a Motion Analysis Corp. system (TRB and ANB files) into a format supported by OpenSim (TRC/MOT). It can also convert C3D files if you have a valid license and hardware key for SIMM and the Motion Module.Motion Labs C++ pluginPeter LoanCustomPDF InstructionsDec, 2009
Lee-Son's ToolboxThis toolbox converts VICON motion capture data into OpenSim inputs. Converts data into *.trc (marker trajectories) and *.mot (force plate data) files.Binary (.exe) files

Sangjun Lee and Jinkyou Son

MIT licenseManual, Example dataSep, 2013

Preprocessing Utilities

A set of matlab scripts for preprocessing experimental data to put it in format expected by OpenSim. These scripts were developed by Ajay Seth to process C3D from Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare.MatlabAjay SethCustom Aug, 2008

External load Utilities  

A Matlab script, with examples, to generate GRF .mot files and an external loads setup file compatible with OpenSim 2.4. The script works with standard gait lab GRF data from pre-2.0. A README file with instructions is included with the download. MatlabSam HamnerCustom Jan, 2012



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OpenSim is supported by the Mobilize Center , an NIH Biomedical Technology Resource Center (grant P41 EB027060); the Restore Center , an NIH-funded Medical Rehabilitation Research Resource Network Center (grant P2C HD101913); and the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance through the Joe and Clara Tsai Foundation. See the People page for a list of the many people who have contributed to the OpenSim project over the years. ©2010-2024 OpenSim. All rights reserved.